Purpose of the West Clermont Business Advisory Council (BAC)
The BAC exists for cooperation, awareness, alignment, promotion, & preparation. As part of our WC Roadmap for Success we are answering the following questions:
- How do we become a world-class BAC/school district partnership?
- How do we expand our partnerships for learning?
- How might we influence and maximize the state funding model and increase alternative funds for our district?
- What conditions are needed for a world-class modern educational system?
- How will we truly show our appreciation and value of partnerships in our organization?
The Business Advisory Council will strive to have representation from large and small businesses, universities, trades, and government agencies. There are currently no term limits. The goal is to have a diverse group of individuals from local businesses comprise the council. Interested in joining the BAC? Contact our COO, Mr. Randy Gebhardt.
- To advise school districts on changes in the economy and job market and the areas in which future jobs are most likely available;
- To advocate for employment skills most critical to businesses and industry and the development of curriculum to teach these skills; and
- To aid and support school districts by offering suggestions for developing a working relationship among businesses and educators.
The Business Advisory Council will offer insights for students’ career needs and future financial issues that may impact Clermont County. This process may include, but not be limited to, the following activities:
- Share information about workplace behaviors and skills needed for student success in future careers.
- Explore opportunities for internships or activities to support academic experiences.
- Identify potential academic and financial questions and issues from the communities.
- Review the current and future financial outlook of the school district.
- Monitor state education funding and pending legislative action.
- Communicate with the public about academic and finance issues.
Expected Results
- BAC membership will be expanded and exceed state requirements for BAC planning and formalizing processes.
- The WC Board of Education, District Administrators, and BAC will understand the vision for partnerships and their roles in supporting this initiative.
- BAC members will have a clear understanding of district vision, changing educational landscape, district finances, and their role and value in student success.
- District administrators and counselors will develop a clear understanding of district vision, changing workforce landscape, district finances, and their role in connecting with partners for student success.
- Grow parents & teachers awareness of partnership initiative through district communication channels
- A stronger knowledge base and network for advocacy efforts will be established.
- WCYourFuture opportunities will grow, be understood by all administrators, counselors, BAC members, and be featured in district publications.
- WCYourFuture opportunities will include experiences for all students; the college bound, possible military enlistees and those who transition directly to the workforce.
- Establish a comprehensive student learning ecosystem that prepares students for the next step in life which includes enrolling in a 2/4 year college, enlisting in the military and/or employment.
- Student-Centered Learning Model/Framework will be established to ensure BAC and district leaders have a shared understanding of the district’s modern learning vision and needs.
- Positive perceptions will exist among the team, new members, and the district administrators about the excitement and possibilities of this work.
- Alumni
- Business Advisory Council
- Citizens Advisory Commission
- Communities and Local Governments
- CommunityShare
- Facility Rental
- Facility Tours
- Flyer Distribution Request
- West Clermont Flyers
- Partners in Education
- Spiritwear (opens in new window)
- Town Halls
- Volunteer
- West Clermont Education Foundation
- #LoveWC
- Stay Connected
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