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Uniting for Success: West Clermont's Community-Centric Vision

Uniting for Success: West Clermont's Community-Centric Vision

As the end of 2023 approaches, I’ve been reflecting on our district’s big picture. Our key objective here at West Clermont Schools is to unite our community around a common goal and that is to continue investing in a brighter future for our schools, our children, and our families. 

Our Portrait of a Graduate outlines several attributes we have deemed important for our students to develop to be successful. Similarly, our leadership uses many of these same skills to ensure we are moving our district forward. These skills include: 

1. Listening  

Our district belongs to each one of you. It’s a place where children embark on learning journeys, and where community aspirations shape our roadmap. Your voice matters, and that’s why we’ve been wholeheartedly engaging with you through town halls, surveys, focus groups, committee meetings, and more. Every piece of feedback, every comment, and every idea you share is a step closer to building a district that truly echoes the collective dreams of our community.

2. Learning  

Your input has been invaluable. The countless comments, ideas, and critiques from across the district have shaped our understanding and taught us new things about where our district needs to go. Our Roadmap Reports are a testament to this collective learning. We believe in complete transparency, and sharing the challenges and triumphs alike. It’s a two-way street. As we learn from you, we’re also dedicated to sharing the district’s realities, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

3. Problem Solving  

Drawing from the rich tapestry of insights and shared learnings, we’re innovatively navigating the challenges our district faces. Every solution we consider and every decision we make is deeply rooted in collective wisdom, ensuring that the choices reflect our community’s shared vision.

The Path Forward: What Does Our Future Entail? 

Our commitment to you and our students remains the same. Student-centered is one of our core values and our work will therefore continue to center around what our students need to move confidently into their future. 

Our facilities and learning spaces will also continue to be a primary focus. Our schools are more than brick and mortar; they are sanctuaries of learning, growth, and safety. Better facilities and more modern learning environments ensure academic success, higher quality teachers, and an overall better future for our kids and community. 

As we head into the new year, I invite you to join us in our journey to shape a promising future for West Clermont Schools. Our next Town Hall meetings are scheduled for Nov. 28 at Merwin Elementary at 6 p.m. and Jan. 18, 2024, at West Clermont Middle School at 6 p.m. You can sign up here.

Have feedback on what you’ve read?  Let us know!

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