Partnerships Are Key to Developing Learning Ecosystem
At West Clermont, we recognize that schools are one piece of the puzzle to educating students today. Over the past decade, West Clermont has placed a renewed emphasis on developing impactful partnerships with families and the community.
One of the benefits of these partnerships is that our students have opportunities to learn, grow and network outside the four walls of a traditional school. After the opening of West Clermont High School and Middle Schools, we accelerated our work to create new and different partnerships with local hospitals, businesses, universities, the Business Advisory Council, and many others.
Amelia Elementary: Empower Youth
Clough Pike Elementary: VFW Post 9630
Holly Hill Elementary: Emmanuel United Methodist Church
Merwin Elementary: The Disciple Women at Anderson Hills Christian Church
Summerside Elementary: New Life Fellowship
Withamsville Tobasco Elementary: Withamsville Church of Christ
Willowville Elementary: St. Veronica Catholic Church
West Clermont Middle School: Beechmont Subaru
West Clermont High School: Sharefax Credit Union
West Clermont School District: Mercy Health
Amelia Elementary: TQL Foundation
Clough Pike Elementary: American Legion Post 72
Holly Hill Elementary: Casey’s
Merwin Elementary: Cincinnati Nature Center
Summerside Elementary: Glen Este Church of Christ
Withamsville Tobasco Elementary: American Modern Insurance Group
Willowville Elementary: Ohio State Extension Clermont County
West Clermont Middle School: Clough Pike Baptist Church
West Clermont High School: TechSolve
West Clermont School District: Mercy Health West Clermont HealthPlex
Amelia Elementary: Empower Youth / Scott Conley
Clough Pike Elementary: St Veronica / Kristin Baumgartner
Holly Hill Elementary: Calvin Presbyterian Church / Steve Van Eman
Merwin Elementary: Inter Parish Ministries / Merry Leone
Summerside Elementary: Jeff Wyler Club / Britton Martin
Willowville Elementary: First Baptist Church of Glen Este / Pastor Bob Johnson
Withamsville-Tobasco Elementary: W-T PTO
West Clermont Middle School/6th: Cincy Kids For Kids / Missy Bastin
West Clermont Middle School/7th & 8th: Mt. Carmel Christian Church / Arlan Howard
West Clermont High School: TQL / Katie Mikles, Samantha Forkner, and Sari Zyndorf
West Clermont High School: American Modern / Frank Alexander and Melissa Messersmith
District Office: Child Focus / Pam Lindeman and Susan Graham
Amelia Elementary: Empower Youth / Scott Conley
Clough Pike Elementary: St Veronica School / Kristin Baumgartner
Holly Hill Elementary: Emmanuel United Methodist Church of Amelia / Pastor Joe Royer
Merwin Elementary: Legendary Run Ladies Golf League / Marjean Wuest
Summerside Elementary: Glen Este Church of Christ / Thomas and Carol Blackburn
Withamsville Tobasco Elementary: Connect Church / Grant Bridgewater
Willowville Elementary: New Life Fellowship / Bill Mues
West Clermont Middle School/ 6th Grade: Cincy Kids 4 Kids / Missy Bastin
West Clermont Middle School: Mount Carmel Christian Church / Arlan Howard
West Clermont High School: American Modern Insurance Group / Tausha Crouch, Frank Alexander and Melissa Messermith
West Clermont School District: Clermont County Public Health/Julianne Nesbit
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