Welcome from the Principal
Welcome to Merwin Elementary, home of the Mustangs! We are a kindergarten through fifth grade growing school of excited learners and dedicated staff. We truly are invested in every learner, every day, and every way. Our learners experience engaging lessons through small group instruction in literacy and math. We are privileged to be a West Clermont elementary school that will offer a Stride classroom for our exceptional learners in the district this school year.
At Merwin, we believe that all students can be successful by making safe and responsible choices, showing respect to ourselves and others, having a kind heart, and showing grit. This philosophy has earned our school many accomplishments including the Ohio Overall A Award for academic achievements and the Ohio Purple Star Award for supporting military families.
We are forever grateful for the partnership we have with the Merwin families and communities. We have a stellar PTO that supports our students and staff every day. They provide amazing events and opportunities for students to learn not only during the school day, but in after school events as well. We also provide numerous volunteer opportunities for our community.
Our theme for the year is, “Be strong enough to stand on your own, be yourself enough to stand apart, but know that the herd is here to run with you!” It’s my honor and joy to be the principal of Merwin Elementary School!
Erin Parker, Principal
Special Programs and Traditions at Merwin Elementary
- Monthly Character Breakfast
- BooFest
- Veterans Day Breakfast
- Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
- Santa Shop
- STREAM Community Engagement Night
- PTO Community Skating Parties
- PTO Father-Daughter Dance
- PTO Mother-Son Hockey Night
- Grandparent Breakfast and Book Fair
- Gifted Summit at WCHS
- Nature and Science Club
- Kindness Club
- Yearbook Club
- Student Council
Contact Information
Merwin Elementary School
1040 Gaskins Road
Cincinnati, OH 45245
Main Number: (513) 947-7800
Administration: (513) 947-7800
Attendance: (513) 947-7804
Bus Transportation: (513) 285-1589
Custodian: (513) 947-7807
Health Aide: (513) 947-7803
Fax: (513) 752-5629
Office Staff
Principal: Erin Parker
Assistant Principal: Trista Herald
Secretary: Cindy Begue
Student Hours
9:20 AM – 4:00 PM
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