Our vision is that Together As One Community, We Learn. Lead. Succeed. We are committed to the success of each student and are dedicated to providing a continuum of service delivery options, high-quality differentiated instruction that meets the diverse academic, emotional, and social needs of all of our students, and maintaining dignity and respect for all.
We believe that all students can grow and learn and that, in partnership with families and community, we are equipped to provide the resources and opportunities to support them in their learning.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
West Clermont supports all learners by utilizing a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) model that provides layering of instruction designed to meet the academic and behavioral needs of all learners – those who do well (enrichment), and those who may need an extra boost (intervention). Services are provided in layers, ranging from school-wide instruction, classroom instruction, and small groups, to highly individualized instructional interventions. The ultimate goal is to work as a team to find what works for all learners to be successful.
Special Education Services
Acknowledging that each child is unique, West Clermont is committed to preparing all students to succeed and become contributing members of our community, allowing for individual differences and learning styles and developing independence. Our special education services are designed to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities, providing specialized instruction and programming that meet their academic, physical, social, behavioral and emotional needs, and ensuring that each student has equal opportunities and access to meaningful learning experiences.
English Learner Services
West Clermont is committed to providing high quality instruction for all students. Our district’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program supports identified English Learners in the English language domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
The West Clermont Local Schools ESL program has continued to grow each year. We currently serve approximately 180 English Learners in grades K-12. There are 18 languages other than English spoken by West Clermont students and families, with Spanish being the most common non-English language spoken at home. Every West Clermont building offers support for English Learners, although the frequency and type of service provided may vary depending on students’ proficiency levels and literacy needs. Services may include direct instruction through pull-out, classroom support, progress monitoring and consultation with classroom teachers.
Gifted Services
We meet our student’s instructional needs through a wide variety of academic strategies and programs. Gifted service is offered to fourth and fifth grade gifted students in a weekly pull-out program located at the student’s school. Students are eligible for service if they have been identified as gifted in at least one of the following three areas on an Ohio Department of Education approved testing instrument:
- Superior Cognitive
- Subject-area/Reading
- Subject-area/Math
Knowing the unique needs of students with gifted identification, we offer a comprehensive level of services throughout our entire K-12 program, including:
- Cluster grouping (elementary)
- Tiered groups (elementary)
- Gifted service (grades 4 & 5)
- Encore classes (middle school)
- Advanced classes (middle & high school)
- Honors classes (high school)
- Credit Flexibility (high school)
For information or questions concerning Special Education, English Learner Services, and Gifted Services, please contact:
- Learning at the Elementary School Level
- Learning at the Middle School Level
- Learning at the High School Level
- WC Your Future
- Diverse Learners
- Resources and Supports for Learning
- College Credit Plus (CCP) Information
- Athletic and Academic Hall of Fame (opens in new window)
- 2023-24 Academic Year Calendar (opens in new window)
- 2024-25 Academic Year Calendar
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