Good nutrition and learning go hand in hand!
The Child Nutrition Department at West Clermont is made up of a team of food and nutrition professionals that are dedicated to students' health, well-being and their ability to learn. We support learning by promoting healthy habits for lifelong nutrition and fitness practices.
Foods and beverages sold or served at schools must meet state and federal requirements which are based on USDA Dietary Guidelines. We provide students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.
To increase the acceptance and consumption of school lunches, we utilize a provision known as “Offer versus Serve” in all of our lunchrooms. This option is intended to reduce food waste by allowing children to choose three of the five meal components offered at each lunch, although all five components are the better value and are reommended. Students must take 1/2 cup of fruit and/or vegetable to count as a meal.
The five meal components are:
- Meat/Meat Alternative: Minimum of 1 oz. serving grades K-8 daily; 9 weekly. Minimum 2 oz. serving grades 9-12 daily; 10 weekly. Meat/Meat alternates consist of: lean meat, cheese, eggs, beans, yogurt, No Nut butter or seeds.
- Grains/Breads: Minimum 1 serving (1 oz. equivalent) daily with minimum 8 weekly for grades K-8; Minimum 2 servings (1 oz. equivalent) daily with minimum of 10 weekly for grades 9-12.
- Fruits: Minimum ½ cup for grades K-8 daily; 1 cup for grades 9-12 daily.
- Vegetables: Minimum 3/4 cup for grades K-8 daily; 1 cup for grades 9-12 daily. All grades require selections from five different subgroups (dark-green leafy, red/orange, beans/legumes, starchy, other) to meet this component.
- Fluid Milk: Minimum 8 oz. for grades K-12 daily.
Several different choices of entrée are offered each day in all Cafes. Choices may include the published "menu" entrée, a variety of hot and cold sandwiches, salads and yogurt meals. Each entrée combines the meat and grain components. Several choices of fruit and vegetables are offered daily. Fat free milk is offered in chocolate and white flavors. Ala carte entrees, snacks, bottled water and juices, approved by the Federal Smart Snack Regulations, are available for sale a la carte.
*Some items served/prepared in our kitchens may contain peanuts or tree nuts or may be made in a factory that processes products containing peanuts or tree nuts.
All breakfast and lunch menus as well as nutrition information can be found on our Interactive Nutritional Menus. Just hover over menu items to view nutrition information or to tally nutrition information for the day's meal or click the magnifying glass on each day!
*Note: Menus are subject to change with little or no notice due to availability of product.
Current students and families can find up-to-date breakfast and lunch menus, nutritional information, and other related information on the WolfPack Hub.
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